Why is Pneumonia so dangerous?
Every time you breathe in,
air travels down the trachea,
through a series of channels called bronchi,
and finally reaches little clusters of air sacs called alveoli.
There are some 600 million alveoli in the lungs,
adding up to a surface area of roughly 75 square meters—
the size of a tennis court.
These tiny sacs, only one cell thick,
facilitate a crucial exchange:
allowing oxygen from the air we breathe into the bloodstream
and clearing out carbon dioxide.
肺炎になると この交換機能に大混乱が生じます
Pneumonia wreaks havoc on this exchange.
Pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli
that causes them to fill with fluid.
There are many different kinds of pathogens that can cause pneumonia.
最も一般的なのは ウイルスまたは細菌です
The most common ones are viruses or bacteria.
こういったミクロの病原体は 呼気中の飛沫により
These microscopic invaders enter the body via droplets either in the air we breathe,
もしくは 目、鼻、口を 病原体が付いた手で触ることで 体内に入ります
or when we touch our eyes, noses, or mouths after touching a contaminated surface.
すると 病原体は 気道内で 最初の防御体に遭遇します
Then, they face the respiratory tract’s first line defense:
the mucociliary escalator.
粘膜毛様体は 病原体を捕捉する粘液と
The mucociliary escalator consists of mucus that traps invaders
and tiny hairs called cilia that carry the mucus toward the mouth,
where it can be coughed out.
しかし 粘膜毛様体を通り抜け 肺に入って肺胞まで到達する病原体もあります
But some of these invaders may get past the mucociliary escalator into the lungs, where they meet the alveoli.
肺胞は血液中と体外からの空気を 交換するための 重要な役割を担う場所なので
Because alveoli serve as critical exchange points between the blood and air from the outside world,
肺胞には特殊なタイプの白血球である マクロファージがあって
they have their own specialized types of white blood cells, or macrophages,
which defend against foreign organisms by enveloping and eating them.
When pathogens enter the lungs,
the macrophages work to destroy them.
免疫系が白血球をさらに送り出し 肺胞を守ります
The immune system releases additional white blood cells in the alveoli to help.
As these immune cells fight the pathogens,
they generate inflammation—
and fluid as a by-product of the inflammation.
When this fluid builds up,
it makes gas exchange inside the alveoli much more difficult.
As the level of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream begins to rise,
体が二酸化炭素を排除し 酸素を取り込もうとして呼吸回数が増えます
the body breathes more quickly to try to clear it out and get more oxygen in.
頻呼吸は 肺炎の最も一般的な症状です また
This rapid breathing is one of the most common symptoms of pneumonia.
咳をして肺胞から浸出液を 出そうとします
The body also tries to force the fluid out of the alveoli through coughing.
肺炎の原因を突き止めるのは 難しいこともありますが
Determining the cause of pneumonia can be difficult,
but once it is established,
doctors can prescribe antibiotics,
これには抗菌性や 抗ウイルス性のものがあります
which may include either antibacterial or antiviral treatments.
抗生物質による治療は 感染を抑えるのに役立ちます
Treatment with antibiotics helps the body get the infection under control.
As the pathogen is cleared out,
浸出液と死細胞が徐々に 排出または吸収されます
the body gradually expels or absorbs fluid and dead cells.
最悪の症状は約1週間で落ち着くのが 一般的ですが
The worst symptoms typically fade out in about a week,
though full recovery may take as long as a month.
いつもは健康な大人であれば 多くの場合 自宅で治療できますが
Otherwise healthy adults can often manage pneumonia at home.
人によっては 肺炎が重症化し
But for some groups, pneumonia can be a lot more severe,
入院や酸素吸入 人工換気 または その他の対症療法が必要となり
requiring hospitalization and oxygen, artificial ventilation, or other supportive measures
while the body fights the infection.
Smoking damages the cilia,
平常量の粘液や分泌物でさえも 排除が困難になり
making them less able to clear even the normal amount of mucus and secretions,
肺炎によりその量が増えた場合には なおさら難しくなります
let alone the increased volume associated with pneumonia.
遺伝性疾患や自己免疫疾患があると 肺炎の原因となる病原体に 感染しやすくなります
Genetic and autoimmune disorders can make someone more susceptible to pathogens that can cause pneumonia.
幼児や高齢者は クリアランス機能や 免疫力が不十分です
Young children and the elderly also have impaired clearance and weaker immune systems.
ウイルス性肺炎の患者は 細菌性呼吸器感染症にかかる 危険性が高くなります
And if someone has viral pneumonia, their risk of bacterial respiratory infection is higher.
肺炎による大きな死因として 医療を受けられないことが挙げられます
Many of the deaths from pneumonia are due to lack of access to healthcare.
しかし 適切な医療をもってしても
But sometimes, even with appropriate care,
状態の維持さえ無理な 感染症との持続的な戦闘状態に入り
the body enters a sustained fight against the infection it can’t maintain,
炎症反応経路の活性化が 肺に限らず体全体で起こります
activating inflammatory pathways throughout the body, not just in the lungs.
This is actually a protective mechanism,
この状態が続きすぎると 臓器の機能が停止し始め
but after too long in this state organs start shutting down,
ショック状態に陥り 時には死に至ります
causing shock and sometimes death.
So how can we prevent pneumonia?
適切な食事や 十分な睡眠と運動が 感染に対する免疫強化に役立ちます
Eating well and getting enough sleep and exercise helps your body fight off infections.
ワクチンで 肺炎の原因となる 一般的な病原体を防ぎ
Vaccines can protect against common pneumonia-causing pathogens,
頻繁な手洗いで 病原体の蔓延を防ぎ
while washing your hands regularly helps prevent the spread of these pathogens—
and protect those most vulnerable to severe pneumonia.
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